March is flying by and so is the fourth month of Owen's little life. I have reached such a bond of attachment and love for this small man that I am now a very emotional person when it comes to any harm to any child. It is amazing how I never considered myself one to take on th erole as mother and even a year ago when we decided to try for a baby I was still so unsure and now I am complete in so many ways that I never even sensed a void. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE him!
Relay for life is in swing in 2 counties which should be fun. I also too on being a team member this year and so I am really excited for that. Big funraiser at Vance Vineyards on May 1st. Wine tastinga dn bands, should be a great time.
MSTA is keeping me pretty busy as well. We had a Salary workshop, and Spring Delegate Assembly. April brings my favorite time of the year, Capitol Day. Can not wait.
On a side note, National Health Care Reform was passed this weekend. Lord help us all!
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