Constantly I have friends call, email, text or chat with me asking the question "Do you have time for a vent?" Obviously I make time. These are my friends, my soul mates, my partners in crime, my support system. When one of them is frustrated, hurt, anxious, embarrassed or angry I will do what ever is in my power to take time to let them pour it out. Often they ask for advice and then often they just want someone to talk to. I offer no judgement but I am here when needed as I know they would be for me. I do not share the same point of view as many of my friends on many topics but I respect their opinions and love them for them. I feel privileged that so many rely on me to be their sounding board and am honored when they tell me "You are such a great listener".
My husband says I ignore him.
When my friends do seek advice I am willing to tell them my opinion but remind them repeatedly that ultimately it is their life and their choices. I love each of them the same no matter what. I am not a sugar coater and I respect each of them too much to tell them what they want to hear. I have my own opinions and I will gladly share them if asked but that does not mean I know all the answers. My friends tell me that they talk to me about things because they know I will always be straight with them.
My husband says I am abrasive.
My friends often just need to gab at another adult/woman/member of the opposite sex (yes I do have some very good men friends). I enjoy my friends and I love catching up with them.
My husband says I talk too much.
My schedule is crazy busy. I find enough down time to fit my needs and though some things go undone I do not neglect my responsibilities and in the end always pull things off. I seldom ever say no (personal flaw) and I love being a part of things, helping to make things happen and witnessing success among those things I am passionate about and those whom I care about. I do not think that my life would be complete if I took a back seat. I thrive on my projects and affiliations. My friends say that I am Wonder Woman (hardly!).
My husband says I over do it.
I am professional but anyone who knows me knows that I have a quirky, crazy side and that I always have a joke for a situation. I look at life as positive as I can. I know that ultimately God is in control and that gives me enough peace to sit back and enjoy the ride. (And boy do I!) I love to cut up with friends. I have no problem dancing to crazy cartoon music with my son, or acting silly with others. My friends call me funny and a nut (a good one).
My husband says I need to seek professional help.
If I were complain that I need to loose weight my friends would encourage me by offering to diet with me or some would lie and say "You look great".
My husband would say "Well then put the candy bar and Mountain Dew down".
Now I know the picture I have painted does not shed the best lighting on my husband but in all honestly it is who he is. He is my center. I do not like everything he does or says but he is a rock that keeps me stable. He is the reason I remember to stay grounded and he is my other half. (Some days my better half, some days not. LOL) I do not always like what he does or has to say but on those days I simply ignore him, become abrasive if I have to, talk too much to him about all my feelings until I over do it. I then mention marriage counseling and sit drinking my Mountain Dew and candy bar as he shakes his head and eventually suggests that I go spend time with my friends! :)
1 comment:
ha ha ha...I think every woman should be able to relate to this post! good!!
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