About Me

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I am married to an amazing man, Bill. We have a baby boy named Owen who is our whole world! I am a teacher. I have a Shi Tzu named Cash who definately helps to complete our family. Bill is a Carpenter and a full time student at night. We are very active and play on several different sports leagues. I Chair Relay for Life for St. Francois County adn do Activities for Madison and Iron Counties. I also am President-Elect of the Southeast Region of Missouri State Teacher's Association. We definately stay busy! Bill loves to fish and be out doors. I love waking up with him in my life every day!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Fall 2008

This has been a great fall. The economy is in a tough time but as for us we are always just tahnkful to have our friends and family around to remind us of the great blessings we have had. This fall I have began serving my 2008-2009 MSTA President Term. I am also doing Kindergarten for a few hours after the normal school day which is different but fun. Bill is doing well. He is working a lot and in his time off, due to the cold weather has finally turned his boating anf fishing in for the winter sport of deer hunting. Last week he got a doe and a buck which, though exciting, turned into many hours of work.

Thanksgiving is a few days away and quickly approaching. Last month Bill's brother Kevin was in a bad accident but Kevin is doing better and is currently home recovering and awaiting his next surgery. My sister-in-law, Sabrina, had a beautiful baby girl names Carly Grace on Friday the 21st. Our close friends Joe and Stacy finally tied the knot becoming Mr. and Mrs. Eaton. We are also preparing for Bill's best friend and cousin's wedding. Lyle and Colleen are getting married next month in Erie, PA and Bill is th ebest man. While one friend is getting married we found out another is expecting. Can't tell who yet. It is still a secret. I believe that is all the big news. I have included some pics from this fall of our friends and new niece.
