About Me

My photo
I am married to an amazing man, Bill. We have a baby boy named Owen who is our whole world! I am a teacher. I have a Shi Tzu named Cash who definately helps to complete our family. Bill is a Carpenter and a full time student at night. We are very active and play on several different sports leagues. I Chair Relay for Life for St. Francois County adn do Activities for Madison and Iron Counties. I also am President-Elect of the Southeast Region of Missouri State Teacher's Association. We definately stay busy! Bill loves to fish and be out doors. I love waking up with him in my life every day!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Meet Coby

Meet Coby!

He is the newest member to the Gann Family.    Coby is 13 weeks old and a Miniature Schnauzer.  He is also Bill’s Christmas Present.  (And no before you ask, I did not wrap him or put a bow on him.  I, instead opened the front door and handed him off to my husband as I took my 1 year old crab monster into my arms.- By the way the new puppy made him giggle repeatedly.)


I think Coby –I have to keep saying his name because he has been with us for 3 days and had a name for a total of 15 minutes- is adjusting to the move.  Our Shi Tzu, Cash, is showing him the ropes and I can only hope that they become as close as him and Carter were.  Carter was our Schnauzer who was killed in may by a hit and run. 

So here is the sweet little face that will eat dozens of my high heels and Owen’s toys in the months to come.  When this happens please remind me of how sweet and innocent he began.  ;)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Blood is Thicker Than Water


"A cousin is a ready-made friend for life."

Author: Unknown

When I was pregnant I was surprised (but excited)  to find out that my little brother was also expecting.  When we realized that they would be born within 3 weeks of each other, I was overjoyed.  When we found out that they would both be boys…. Well I started saving bail money!


They will fight.

punchThey will play.

PB201459They will explore!


Find trouble.

explore And break a ton of hearts….

play twoKnowing that I get to watch our generation evolve and grow together warms my heart.  I see so much of myself in my son and like wise for my brother and nephew.  

Such amazing little men that they already are.  Cannot wait to see who they become!

2-9438 8-9461 17-952114-9492 15-9487

And did I mention that they are adorable!!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Cold November Nights

I always have a love hate toward this time of year.  I love the idea of holidays swiftly approaching and the idea of family memories being created.  However with the warm thoughts this gives me it also sweeps in with a cold chilling climate that i am never quite prepared for and always happy to bid a sweet farewell to it in the spring.


However, the one thing the cold weather does bring, an excuse for sweaters, scarves and oversized coats. 

So I guess I will welcome it in.  The good, the bad and the ugly (did I mention freezing cold?).   Anyone for hot chocolate?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Trial and Error


I may never give my husband’s computer back.  I have discovered that I can link it directly to my blog and it will allow for posts and creativity beyond what I have currently mastered.  May I just say-Wow!  So the next few blogs to come will mainly be trial and error.


The funny thing about trial and error is that you can blame your goofiness and wacky decisions on it.

PA060882   But then again, isn’t life one big version of trial and error?

I mean has anyone ever met the Master of it all? 

The one who has everything figured out?


Well if you have, I would love to meet her.

Yes I believe she is woman if of course she even exists because most mean can not even find a clean pair of socks.




I am not bashing men.   I love men!  Preferably my husband.  And he does do so much that I cannot  (and/or will not).


But this is not about him.  This is about mistakes and surprisingly exciting results.

Map picture

Wow!  My house!  How cool is that?  My house, with its multi-colored roof which we plan to finish…. Eventually!

So many projects that we start and eventually finish.

Another example of life.

And this life, crazy, amazing, and full of surprises.  None of which I want to change!



Monday, November 15, 2010

A Year Flies by!

I cannot believe that it has already been a year. a year has come and gone since our lives changed. We were living the crazy fun life with little responsibilities when we finally decided to have a baby. We were pregnant before we had a chance to change our minds and it seemed we blinked maybe twice before he was born. And now, an entire year has past and we have just celebrated his first birthday.

It amazes me the person he is becoming. He is so full of personality and almost always excited and happy. Almost! There are those moments when he is mad, and let me tell you- he can really get mad. However, 95% of the time he is wonderfula nd 100% of the time he is PERFECT!
