About Me

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I am married to an amazing man, Bill. We have a baby boy named Owen who is our whole world! I am a teacher. I have a Shi Tzu named Cash who definately helps to complete our family. Bill is a Carpenter and a full time student at night. We are very active and play on several different sports leagues. I Chair Relay for Life for St. Francois County adn do Activities for Madison and Iron Counties. I also am President-Elect of the Southeast Region of Missouri State Teacher's Association. We definately stay busy! Bill loves to fish and be out doors. I love waking up with him in my life every day!

Friday, March 26, 2010

So much thinking lately. I think I spend 3/4 of my time thinking. I remember I once had a boyfriend tell me tat I think too much. (Of course later I caught him cheating and realized th ereason he wanted me to stay in the dark and minimumize my thoughts.) Last week i was watching the show "Do You Know Who You Are?" with Lisa Kudrow. Tehy were exploring her heritage and discussing her Grandmother's death in WWII when Nazis shot and killed her. They went in to depth about the execuctions of so many people. They talked about how there was 900 people who were stripped down and stood naked while they watched 3 people at a time step up and get shot. Then three more would step up and so forth. Men, women and children because hatred had no heart.

Immediately, as a new mom of course, I begin to think about how that would feel and the terror you would have to stand there naked and humiliated with your child knowing that there is nothing you can do to save them. The horror that those poeple faced. All of the life that each of of them were robbed from living.

As parents, our goal and dream is to have our children to grow up and have all the happiness that is allowed. We want to see them find love and success and we want to be there to witness all of it. I could take not being there if it meant that Owen would still get the oppurtunity to live his life but having to stand there knowing that his small life is about to end before it ever had time to get started would kill me before the hate-fileld monsters ever could.

How on earth can you get enough "I love yous" said for a lifetime in that small about of time?

Breaks my heart.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Owen, Owen, Owen

March is flying by and so is the fourth month of Owen's little life. I have reached such a bond of attachment and love for this small man that I am now a very emotional person when it comes to any harm to any child. It is amazing how I never considered myself one to take on th erole as mother and even a year ago when we decided to try for a baby I was still so unsure and now I am complete in so many ways that I never even sensed a void. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE him!

Relay for life is in swing in 2 counties which should be fun. I also too on being a team member this year and so I am really excited for that. Big funraiser at Vance Vineyards on May 1st. Wine tastinga dn bands, should be a great time.

MSTA is keeping me pretty busy as well. We had a Salary workshop, and Spring Delegate Assembly. April brings my favorite time of the year, Capitol Day. Can not wait.

On a side note, National Health Care Reform was passed this weekend. Lord help us all!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Motherhood is a busy Job

I always thought that my career ambitions kept me busy but since Lil O has joined our family I have realized the true menaing of busy. I cannot complain for 2 reasons: #1 I just do not have the time and #2 because he is pretty incredible. He is currently 4 months and weighs 15.8 pounds. He is 24 and 1/2 inches tall. his new favorite thing is doing raspberries with his mouth. All he does is raspberries. It is hularious! The down fall: I have to change his tops often because of spit pools. He is so funny though. Always laughing and happy. We are so very very lucky!
