About Me

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I am married to an amazing man, Bill. We have a baby boy named Owen who is our whole world! I am a teacher. I have a Shi Tzu named Cash who definately helps to complete our family. Bill is a Carpenter and a full time student at night. We are very active and play on several different sports leagues. I Chair Relay for Life for St. Francois County adn do Activities for Madison and Iron Counties. I also am President-Elect of the Southeast Region of Missouri State Teacher's Association. We definately stay busy! Bill loves to fish and be out doors. I love waking up with him in my life every day!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Update for July

Things have been crazy lately. We are into our sixth month of the pregnancy and are happy to announce that this October we will be welcoming a baby boy named Owen. These days we are working on getting the nursery and our lives ready for the new addition.

I am officially on summer break and it did not come soon enough. After that ending to the year with the "tornado" and then that very long summer school session but at last we are finished and I am taking full advantage of resting and doing my usual lunches with friends throughout the summer.

Cash and Carter are doing well. Both were fixed last week and though Carter is not really missing much, Cash was a little older and realizes what is gone and is still harboring some ill feelings but I tell him (of course in private and not where is can be heard) that it was Dad's idea and that if I had my way he would still be complete. I think he is beginning to believe me!

Bill is enjoying the summer fishing (well he attempts) whenever possible and or riding on the Harley. Of course now that I have a growing belly and am high risk I am not allowed on the bike. Secretly I think Bill likes that. Guys will be guys.

Still thankful everyday that God has blessed me so much. Each day I remember that song.... God is great, Beer is good and People are crazy!
