About Me

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I am married to an amazing man, Bill. We have a baby boy named Owen who is our whole world! I am a teacher. I have a Shi Tzu named Cash who definately helps to complete our family. Bill is a Carpenter and a full time student at night. We are very active and play on several different sports leagues. I Chair Relay for Life for St. Francois County adn do Activities for Madison and Iron Counties. I also am President-Elect of the Southeast Region of Missouri State Teacher's Association. We definately stay busy! Bill loves to fish and be out doors. I love waking up with him in my life every day!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Funniest Guy I Ever Knew...

The funniest guy I ever knew was an old man who resided at a nursing home I worked at years ago.  His name was Lee.  Lee did not set out to be funny but his actions always spoke much louder than any joke I have heard.

Lee, though confined to a wheel chair for many years when I met him still considered himself young and vibrant.  On several occasions he would ask for my number and or to join him after my shift in the dining hall at a "private table" so he could juice and dine me.  However, I was not his only conquest.  Lee was not the least bit discriminative.  If you were female you were IN.  Young, old, tall short, fat, skinny, blonde, brunette or white haired did not matter, as long as you were female Lee liked you!  He had one stipulation.  You better not be a ..... I will use the word "hag" in place of a much more harsh version of what Lee called unfriendly women. 

I use to love to watch Lee when I worked.  He would get himself in so much trouble because his favorite thing was to act out of it and then when a woman would pass by he would reach out and grab her bottom.  When she would turn in her shocked and angry manner, Lee would sit limp and act as though he was confused and did not know what was going on.  Ornery man he was but as funny as can be.  Lee had a history as well.  I loved listening to him tell me stories of his younger (and as he added much more handsome days).  I especially loved listening to him talk of his late Ann whom he had loved until she passed many years before.  Since e=her death he had learned to enjoy life again and I guess to Lee that meant pinching the bottom of every stranger he came in contact with.

I do not know why Lee opened up to me.  He did not care for much of the staff and in turn they did not understand why he would listen to me and/or talk with me.  I knew though.  Lee was not a patient, he was a friend and I was a better person because he was my friend.

Lee passed away one night while I was still working at the home.  I remember that sad hollow feeling I had though I was grateful that he went in his sleep peacefully and quietly though selfishly I had wished for a moment to say good-bye.

I thought of Lee today out of the clear blue.  I sat and watched my son doing the craziest things and the random laughs I got from his daily normal life and I thought of how I would get the same feeling from watching Lee.  Owen is a lot like Lee.  He is crazy, full of smiles, always up to no good, huge flirt and stole my heart the moment I met him. 

Hope you are doing well Lee!!!  Take care! (And quit chasing those angels around!  Mind your manners before the big gut send you to time out!!!)

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