On April 10th, the Middles School in Fredericktown (Town I teach in) was burned down. The fire was so intense that everything was destroyed. All text books, student files, teacher resources... Everything. The fire was thought to have reached well over 2000 degrees because of how it fused so much glass together.
In the aftermath, as a community mourned the loss of a building in which so many memories were obtained from (it was our oldest currently used school), I prayed for the loss that so many had endured. For the students.. Their second home now gone. For the teachers... years of supllies and resources that they had collected-burned to nothing and unrecognizable. For the community... a landmark of their personal history.
It was a tragedy but no one was hurt or injured during or whiel fighting th efire an dthat is a reason to rejoice. All of the tools that were so easily counted on were lost- But the knowledge that those students had been taught all year along was not going anywhere. It coul dnot be burned in a fire. The passion that the educators had, still there!!!
I laid in bed last night looking around my bedroom thinking to myself "What would I grab if there was a fire? What could I not live without?" Nothing. As long as I had my family and knowing that God is there, that is all I need. It was a reminder, yet again, that the material things are definately nice but it is not about that. It is about God and everything he has given me. It is about th elove of my family and about the ease in knowing we are safe and healthy.
Did our community suffer? Yes. Is it th eend of the world? No. Will we be bigger an better with God's help that ever before? DEFINATELY!!!
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