Before I had my son my favorite summer pass time was an afternoon at a winery with a friend(s). We would sit and chat about anything and everything and relax in the summer heat. I loved those days.
I have not been to a winery in e years. Why? 3 summers ago I was pregnant and since have had our son, Owen. (He is the joy mess pictured above.). Since then there are a lot of things o no longer have including but not limited to: my sanity, my memory, my fashion sense, my freedom, my late morning sleep ins, my extra bedroom, my waist line.... Should I really go on?
It sounds terrible and if I think about it in terms of what I have lost it kind of is. But I have gained the most amazing gift there ever was.
Now do not be mistaken, my summers are not nearly as relaxing and drama free as before. We now have poopy diapers, fights at nap, discussions and corner time for hitting the dogs with our plastic golf clubs, melt downs because mommy said "no more cookies", language barrier issues because though I am learning o am still not fluent in toddler talk, and the annoying sound of the word Daddy repeated about a hundred times more a day than Mommy! However, we also have kisses and hugs. We dance to the beginning of almost every cartoon intro that plays. We have color time. We play at the park and we take walks around the block. Life is so much more complicated and yet so much more simple at the same time.
However, these days our biggest decisions are do we want ice cream from Chill or Lix?
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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