About Me

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I am married to an amazing man, Bill. We have a baby boy named Owen who is our whole world! I am a teacher. I have a Shi Tzu named Cash who definately helps to complete our family. Bill is a Carpenter and a full time student at night. We are very active and play on several different sports leagues. I Chair Relay for Life for St. Francois County adn do Activities for Madison and Iron Counties. I also am President-Elect of the Southeast Region of Missouri State Teacher's Association. We definately stay busy! Bill loves to fish and be out doors. I love waking up with him in my life every day!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

This is how I roll!

It is amazing what we take for granted as knowing. An example: My 21 month old son got his first 4 wheeler about a month and a half ago. We noticed he would push the button for a second then stop and repeat. Finally we realized that he had to be taught to continue to push in order to go the distance. Do we, as teachers, take for granted the small stuff pegging it as things they should just know? I definitely will be paying more attention. Will you?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Park Hills, Mo

1 comment:

Tara said...

hey! I stumbled across your blog while google searching a picture of myself, and guess what? my name is Tara Gann too! LoL just thought that was cool =)
